Saturday, September 22, 2007


I would say that I'm living in my own private Idaho (B-52's anyone?) but I'm not. I've got roommates, yay! I have my own little corner of the world under a window that looks right out at the temple. It's amazing. I have the slowest internet access in the WORLD. My laundry is always clean but never folded and there are ANTS EVERYWHERE. It's SICK... I've been proposed to already and deferred the offer to go on a date with the guy. He came over and ate dinner and cookies. This might be the weirdest and best place I've ever been in my life. I have buns of steel from walking up the hill every day and I work out at least three times a week. Or, at least, I've worked out six times since I've been here, so... it works, right? is a picture to show y'all. I've got the crazy hair from a bonfire I went to that they had at "Beaver Dick Park".....I swear, only in Idaho. Anyways, the ladies from the Paul Mitchell hair academy were there doing people's hair so I had mine done. I'm going to go get it cut soon, only 10 dollars, and I have a friend from home that goes there, so I'm happy to have her here cut my hair.

My testimony has grown so much since I've been here, it is truly a blessed place the locals say...this IS Zion!

Love ya guys.

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